We happened to be reading this book – Super Structures – and it happened to be the last few days of the Brickman Wonders of the World Lego Brick Exhibition at the Singapore Science Centre. So on the spur of the moment, I took Little P to see some super structures in 3d, albeit Lego-fied.

Check back to find 6 Books That Help Kiddo Understand How Buildings Are Built for more building and construction themed books on my blog next week!
To bridge and make a connection between the illustrations in our book and the more stylised structures made with lego blocks, I hurriedly made a DIY photo book corresponding to some of the Lego structures we will be seeing in the exhibition.

At Brickman Wonders of the World Lego Brick Exhibition
How the exhibits are set up: Accompanying photos and write ups
The DIY book was a nice to have but not exactly necessary if you don’t have the time to make one. I was happy to find the Lego structures came with photos of the real item as well as a write up of the creator’s motivations when designing and building the structures.

How the exhibits are set up: Lego brick trench for visitors to use and make their own builds
Certain exhibits come surrounded by a trench of Lego bricks that visitors can use to build their own Lego creations.

The Brickman Exhibits that caught Little P’s eye
Since I was visiting with a young child, I was busy minding him. All the photos of the exhibits on this blogpost are ones that Little P liked enough to linger at or specifically asked me to take photos of.
But the ones that Little P was especially drawn to are the Lego bridges.

About Little P’s stroller
We really enjoy this robust stroller. It has big wheels and great suspension to give Little P smooth rides on bumpy roads and grass dog runs :P That said, it can get a little heavy when handling it in and out of the car boot. Check out more Chicco strollers on Amazon.
Back home, he still remembered these bridges and really wanted to know if these bridges were for vehicles or people.
The Brickman Exhibits that caught Mama’s eye

I also liked how you can see inside the Pyramid and the Concord because they built the cross-section view of these, but Little P wasn’t too interested so I didn’t have time to linger and take photos. Haha.
It didn’t take us long to reach the end despite making two rounds around the place. We didn’t pay attention to every exhibit since we were guided by Little P’s interest.
Lego Pixel Art Activity Zone at Brickman Wonders of the World Lego Brick Exhibition
Before exiting the exhibition, there was an activity zone that allows visitors to build their own pixel art creations. Completed creations can be displayed on display walls along the zone.

Little P was very keen to do this activity. This is what my 3.5 year old toddler made. He appeared more preoccupied with the fine motor activity of lining up the blocks without consideration of their colour and pattern.

He was insistent that mama do this activity as well. He insisted that mama should make a dinosaur similar to the one that was already on the wall.

Final thoughts
I like that the exhibits help to bring the structures to life for Little P and I. It certainly extends the learning beyond the 2D book to real-life experience, albeit not as real as if we flew to visit the actual structures. But overall, I do think it is a good experience.
My few gripes will be the long travelling and walking time when going by MRT. š The tickets were also pretty pricey considering the short time we spent there. šø šø šø

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I’ve flown over both the Golden Gate and Brooklyn bridges. Of course there was traffic on them at the time.
Lucky you! I don’t think we’ll ever visit in person actually. :P