We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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Category: Child Health (0-3 years)

Baby’s First Walking Shoes – how to choose & when you need to replace

First thing first, we did not set out to get blue shoes for Baby P’s first baby walking shoes and all his other shoes that came after that. But because baby P had rather large feet for his age and other specific considerations I had which I will elaborate in this post, we somehow ended up with this spread of entirely blue pairs of shoes that you see in the photo. Oh well.

Baby's First Walking Shoes - how to choose & when you need to replace

So, about baby shoes, we start by understanding that:

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Preparing for 18-month-old health assessment & vaccination shots at the polyclinic

Little P was due for his 18-month health assessment and developmental screening. He also needed to get his polio and influenza vaccination shots at the polyclinic. We delayed the shots due to the deteriorating Covid-19 situation in the earlier months of this year. He has become a lot more aware of what was happening around him and to him, so I wanted to ensure that I prepare him for what was coming up.

The beginnings of a doctor’s visit and injection-themed tray.

Here are some tools I used.

NOTE: I wrote this post last year August but somehow I just got overwhelmed by life and discover I had not published it. But in any case I find the information still relevant for Singapore parents looking to prepare for their child’s 18 month health assessment at the polyclinic, so here it is! :P

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