We bought our Bosch Serie | 4 Free-standing Dishwasher when we redid kitchen counter and cabinets in 2018. It has been 4-years since. Our dishwasher recently stopped working and we had to get it repaired. So now is certainly a good time to write a Bosch dishwasher review. In this review, we cover the after-use review AND also a support service review of the on-site repair service from Bosch. Hah!
Category: Home & Furnishing

So in the end we unfortunately caught Covid. š But let’s be thankful that we caught Omnicron since it is the milder version. Then comes the painful process of cleaning and disinfecting the flat. Cleaning after Covid is Not Fun. But I count myself lucky to have a helper and we got it done (more or less) between the two of us. Many thanks to my helper for I could not have done it by myself really.
This post gives you links to info from NEA and videos for the more visual and auditory learners among us to get you started on cleaning after Covid.
We are getting a quartz counter top for our kitchen. That’s what I decided after reading generic comparisons of counter top materials.

Where did the counter top go????
Our original counter top was white solid surface – a totally bland and underwhelming material that stained easily and something that was never going to step foot in my kitchen again. Haha.