By the end of this year the world would have been trying to live with Covid-19 for 2 or close to 2 years now (depending on your location). I think we have lots of good reasons not to turn up, whether it’s to meet up with friends, be there for family or even just to turn up on social media. And these are reasons, people may not necessarily talk about or tell you. Not because they don’t think your are important and are just ghosting on you but that sometimes it’s just too painful to think or talk about them. Things like, depression, anxiety or in my case miscarriage.
This was an eventful year and not in a good way.
A lot of things were happening for us from the start of the year and Donna’s surgery was only one of them. At that time we were also going through the IVF process in hopes of a second child. I remember telling the nurse taking my blood to check if I was pregnant that I think this round will end up in failure because I was so stressed over getting a blood donor for Donna and also over Donna’s condition in general.
So you can imagine our joy when we found out that we got pregnant after all. I had still kept all of baby P’s toys and clothes, etc so I didn’t think I had that much work to prepare for Baby 2 this time round. I did order some books to prepare Baby P for the arrival of the new sibling.