We Live In A Flat blog started two months after we adopted Donna in January 2013, so about 6 years ago. Choosing a name for the blog wasn’t easy but I eventually settled on this clunky name of We Live In A Flat. 😅

One of the first pictures of Donna at home
There wasn’t Project Adore then, but dogs within a certain height and weight limit can get AVA-licensed and HDB-approved individually. It was just that there wasn’t as clear a process as now.
Therefore, We Live In A Flat started as an online documentation of what we were doing with Donna. How we were training and assimilating her into the dense flatted environment that most of us live in in Singapore. It was a precaution just in case some random neighbour complained, we would have all these online documentation as proof of Donna being a good dog. 😁 And also I thought it’s a good showcase of how a medium mongrel dog like her can thrive in a flat.

Donna out for a walk
Life Changes
Six years on,