We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

singapore dog blog adopt dog adoption

Author: weliveinaflat Page 39 of 41

Black and white pet portraits

doggy parkour on the wallHappy Sunday friends! Come away with me to see the black and white pet portraits we have on Instagram in the last week!

Not sure how expressive these pictures are, but can you tell what this cat and dog may be thinking?

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Training update: Walking off-leash

dog walking off-leashOne of the milestones we crossed around the time of our first anniversary with a dog is going for more than an hour’s walk with Donna off leash the whole way. Guess this is somewhat of a big deal to us since, we don’t have that kind of bond that people have with puppies they brought up from young, so we’re always a little insecure when Donna is not on the lead.

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Sunday Brunch with dog at Sun Ray Café

dog sitting outside sun ray cafeFor a while there January seem to be the month of constant light rain. While we walked in the rain a fair bit, the human did not have the gumption to hang around the dog run with the dog in the rain. Just didn’t feel like fun. The Sun Ray Café, which allows dogs is the happy solution to this little problem…

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Apartment dog killer danger: Dog hanged by lift

donna the dog standing to one side in the liftNews broke yesterday that a dog (NOT my dog pictured left) was hanged by the lift when its leash was caught by the lift doors. The human was in the lift and the dog was outside when the doors closed. When the lift proceeded to move up, the dog was dragged upwards on its lead and hanged.

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2014 calender for tracking the dog preventives schedule

Donna's schedule for preventives calendered for clear tracking and on time administering of dog preventives to the dogWe got the Gentle Paws calendar sometime back but it was only this week that I finally got my lazy self to cut out the pages and tack them onto the door of the cabinet where we store the dog preventives, other medicine, food and dental chews.

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Gotcha Day at Macritchie Reservoir

dog at macritchie reservoirWe adopted Donna on 12th January last year. That makes it our 1st year anniversary with a dog two days ago. We didn’t rename her but she did have to adjust to a new home, a bigger space to roam in and more things to chew on that were not supposed to be discovered in the first place. Now that a year has passed,

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Weekly Phoneography: Blown bulb

Macro view of a blown bulb base .blown bulb

Phoneography Monday Challenge: Macro
Apps used: Samsung Note 10.1 LTE native camera, Snapseed
Our energy saving bulbs in the study had blown recently and I was surprised to find the craters in the base… sort of like a minor earthquake had occurred within the bulb. Hence the choice of subject matter for the macro theme.

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Phoneography Weekly: Nature vs Artifice

Green plants outside the bedroommosquito plant, dumbcane and other green plants
artificial spring flowers for new year
Artificial flowers in the living room for Chinese New Year

Phoneography Monday Challenge: Nature
Apps used: Samsung Note 10.1 LTE native camera, Snapseed, VSCOcam
Put up some Chinese New Year-sy decorations about the flat today, which prompted me to think about the theme in terms of the nature versus the artificial. These two photos are the result.

Hello 2014, Happy New Year :)

goodbye 2013 hello 2014
“The 2014 future looks bright!” said the squinting dog.

Looking forward to a good year ahead. I hope you will have a good 2014.
Happy New Year :)

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