The other day I was remarking to Mr P that the only “sporting” event I watch somewhat consistently has got to be Freestyle Heelwork to Music or what I like to call simply dog dancing.
Little P’s entrance into our lives meant that I had to miss the livestream. We try to keep a screenfree environment for our toddler (as much as possible anyway) so the television has literally become a piece of background decor ever since he was born. Thankfully, Crufts has made available replays of the competition so I could still catch that when Little P is in kindergarten in the mornings. :)

Day 1 of 2022 Crufts Freestyle Heelwork To Music Competition
They’ve split the first day of Crufts Heelwork to Music replay into 2 videos. If you have limited time on your hands, I suggest watching this small dog’s performance in Part One at around the 22:33. That’s Lucy Heath and her small crossbreed dog Trip Hazard. Also at 9:45 there’s Emma Pirrie and Yolanda the Panda if you want to see some more.
For Part 2, the pair that starts at 20:31 sticks to my mind. That’s Jill Davis and her six year old red merle border collie called Demelza at Gildersway. It’s slower than the two mentioned above but quite a nice one as a tribute to man’s best friend.
Still want more Freestyle Heelwork to Music?
Check out this post where I’ve compiled the Dog Dancing Winners at Crufts 2017-2018. ;)

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The only tricks our dogs know is “Eat that Treat”.
Truthfully, that is the most essential trick to know!