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A little tale about Perspectives

Their perspectives – What the cat sees and what the human perceives differently

Accompanying text to the Instagram picture:
她打开门,发现自家的门口竟然多了一条死鱼,她感觉十分晦气,于是马上把它装在垃圾袋里扔了。过了一会儿,又有一条鱼躺在自家门口,她还是把鱼扔了。为了抓住了那个恶作剧的人,她选择了待在不远处的楼梯口盯着。不久,一只猫走了过来,把嘴里的鱼放在门口,有些不舍地离开了。她看着那条鱼,想着那只自己曾经救过的猫。。 ——也许你不喜欢 可是它已经给了你它认为最好的东西。

She opened the door and was surprised to find a fish, lying dead at her doorstep. It was a bad omen. She bustled to dispose of it in the trash. A while later, she discovered yet another fish at the same spot. She threw that away as well.

She decided to lie in wait at the nearby staircase, keep an eye on the door and catch the culprit in the act. Not long after, a cat went to that very spot and laid the fish it was carrying onto the floor. After casting lingering glances at the fish, it slowly left.

The woman set her eyes on the fish and thought back to the cat, that she had rescued before. Although the woman had not appreciated it, that cat had already given to her what it felt was the best it had to offer.


I came across this little snippet of a story on sqwhat‘s Instagram feed. Better known as Shu Qi,  舒淇, the celebrity’s feed features mostly pictures of her cat, herself and food. The text is not original, a search shows that it has been published in various permutations online, and I have no idea who is the original author. But it was new to me and I liked the simple story. And also how it shows that sometimes perspectives clash, even if one party thought it was doing something good for the other. So yeah, a little feel good story for today.

My ButtonI thought this fits in with Meghan’s random moments of delight challenge. Check it out here. :)


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My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) Challenge – WEEK 22 (15-22 Jan)


  1. That’s a great feel good story for the day! So sweet and tender. Thank you so much for sharing it and for joining my challenge!

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