We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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Belly Up: The suffering of my dog’s dog

She doesn’t do this with her smaller soft toys, but with her big ones, Donna is a head banger. Maybe it has a massaging effect on her face, that’s why she likes to swing her toy violently and smack her own head with it. I realised that her collar is too loose for her when one day, after a bout of high energy head shaking and intense clinking and clanging, she managed to shake her collar off entirely onto the floor.

Guess who wins in my dog and my dog’s dog wrestling match.

Loser gets a hole on the back and dark stains for effort. Time to patch it up and toss it in the washer.

And yes, you have seen the underbelly of my dog.


Quiet evening on the balcony


Some dogs watch TV, not Donna


  1. We have a playful 2 year old as well who, when we are having breakfast, graps a toy and prances back and forth from one end of the room to the other, shaking it and tossing it and just generally saying, Look at me!

  2. How adorable and thoughtful of your dog to provide you with breakfast entertainment! ;) I read that a dog is usually past the terrible twos stage by the time they turn two. Here’s to even better times ahead! :D

    Thank you for sharing :)

  3. so cuuuuuuuuuuute!

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