Library Books Review #1
I find it hard to navigate our public library, especially when I’m looking for Montessori-aligned toddler books in Mandarin. So moving forward, Í will keep track of the Montessori-aligned books I borrowed that I recommend here on this blog. Hope it will be useful for your reference as well. For context, my toddler is around 2.5 years old. The posts will cover a mix of English and Mandarin books.
I included links to Amazon so you can buy at your convenience the English and Chinese versions of the books (where available). I get a tiny commission when you click through the links and make a purchase. It doesn’t increase your cost on Amazon but it does help you give me a tiny “tip” so to speak, which eventually accumulates enough to treat me to a coffee or two. :P
Now, let’s get started!

1. 高高兴兴说再见 (Bye-Bye Time)