Star Wars Day falls on May 4, which is also the start of the Star Wars Festival at the Gardens by the Bay, Supertree Grove. And that’s where I headed with Donna for an evening walk.
Where’s Donna? Can you find her in this photo? :P

Find Donna! Where is she?
We reached at around 5.30pm, and there wasn’t much of a crowd so it was easy to take photos with dog. :P
Photos with Star Wars Characters
There was an opportunity to take photos on stage with Kylo Ren and Chewbacca, but you needed to join a long queue and wait. I wasn’t about to do that.
But lucky for us, there was a TIE pilot and R2D2 about the grounds to take photos with. Donna was slightly wary of R2D2 so she didn’t want to sit too near it. But the TIE pilot was really nice and slowly inserted himself (so he didn’t startle Donna) in between R2D2 and Donna. So the photo didn’t look weird with a gap between Donna and the Star Wars characters :P
Another photo oppotunity with the AT ST.
Woah! is it 1:1 scale… erm. No. Looks smaller.
Does it move? Erm. No. Looks like a model. :P
Also, a giant Lego storm trooper threatening our oblivious Donna!! 😱 😱 😱 Run, Donna! Get away!
Guess it’s safest to hide behind Darth Vader, even if he seems rather tiny and slightly drunk in this photo. :P
There was time to explore the rest of the park and we did just that.
Star Wars-themed Garden Rhapsody Music & Light Show at Supertree Grove
Night falls and we return to the Supertree Grove to wait for the Star Wars Garden Rhapsody Light and Music show to begin!!
Donna’s getting kind of bored waiting though :P
And finally, it begins! I’ve got a little snippet of it on video :P
We were sitting directly under the biggest supertree. On hindsight, perhaps it would have been better to situate ourselves further away to get the full picture of the Supertrees and the choreography of light and music.
By the time the show ended, the Supertree Grove was crowded with people.
And it was time to go home. ;)
Getting to Gardens by the Bay, Supertree Grove [ Google Map ]
You can map your driving route to Gardens by the Bay using google maps.
In my case i don’t drive, so I tried to pre-book a GrabHitch ride a day earlier, putting in the notes to say: “Travelling with my very obedient medium dog who will sit on the floor of the car.”
I was really just trying my luck, since GrabHitch is like a car pool, so drivers may not take dogs in consideration of other passengers. I figured I could always book a Comfor cab later if the GrabHitch ride doesn’t work out.
But I was really lucky because we did get our booking confirmed. I later learnt that it was the first time as well for the driver to ferry a dog. :P

What dog friendly events are happening in Singapore in the upcoming weeks? Click here to find out :)
C’mon chit chat!
What parts of the Gardens by the Bay do you like?
Any particular areas of the garden you recommend we explore? :)
Come :) Follow on
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I should try grab hitch again! Tried once and got rejected. Never tried again. But I haven’t figured out where to sit. Cause supposedly, should sit infront for hitch. But don’t know with Cookie how 😂
I think depends on the driver. But yah, so far I sit in front when not travelling with Donna :P