The upcoming Singapore Pet Expo 2018 has some dog and art-related activities that can be enriching for you and your outgoing dog!
Our pet dogs are smart. There’s no denying it. That’s why staying at home all day, while the humans are at work can get boring for them. Enrichment activities are a great way to mentally challenge your dog and keep him busy and happy.
Enrichment is NOT about making it harder!
Enrichment IS about enjoying your pet’s joy!
Enrichment IS about making their life and yours more enjoyable!
– a thoughtful quote from Margaret Pender, Jan 18 post on Canine Enrichment facebook group admin
So let’s take a look at some of the activities that are in the Singapore Pet Expo program schedule!
Follow Singapore Pet Expo for the latest news and updates!
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1. Design-a-tote workshop

How should I design this tote bag??
Design a tote bag together with your dog at this workshop by ClubPets. Each human and dog pair will get a DIY kit for this activity when you sign up.
7 April 2018, Saturday 12.15pm – 01.15pm
Workshop tickets priced at $20 per pax (human & dog)
Come with a friend and you’ll each only need to pay $18 per pax (human & dog)
Workshop size limited to 20 people.
Don’t wait. Sign up now at the PetExpo website!
2. Breed Races
Corgi breed race in 2017
The Singapore Specials are certainly looking forward to the Breed Race at the Singapore Pet Expo. Registration slots for this category of dogs is full, but registration is still open for Border Collies and Samoyeds.
This activity requires groups of 2 humans and 1 dog to participate. Participating dogs will be lined up on one end of the race area with one human. The second human will be at the finishing line encouraging the dog to run down the racetrack towards them. (Check out the video above to see how it works!)
Scottish terriers and Basset Hounds have one more level of difficult for their breed races. Their race path will be lined with treats and toys to distract them!
The top three fastest dogs for each race stand to win prizes worth more than $100.
Breed Race Days and Timing
Date: 6 April 2018, Friday
Singapore Special – 6.00pm to 6.30pm (No more slots)
Border Collie – 6.30pm to 7.00pm
Samoyed – 7.00pm to 7.30pm
Race limited to 20 dogs per breed.
Don’t wait. Sign up now for the Breed Race!
Temptation Breed Race Days and Timing
Date: 7 April 2018, Saturday
Shiba Inu – 7:00pm to 7:30pm
Pug – 7:30pm to 8:00pm
Race limited to 20 dogs per breed.
Don’t wait. Sign up now for the Temptation Breed race!
3. Dog Yoga

Donna is an expert at the downward dog. :P
Yoga enthusiasts! Here’s an event that lets you try out yoga with your dog!
Two Dog Yoga classes by Pawfully Fit will enable you to help your dog join in and do some simple poses. Your dog may also “assist” you in achieving the various yoga poses.
Pawfully Fit says their Dog Yoga class incorporates various elements of yoga, stretching, dog training, meditation and gentle massage for your dog.
Dog Yoga
6 April 2018, Friday 12.30pm – 1.20pm
7 April 2018, Saturday 11.15am – 12.00pm
Tickets priced at $15 per pax (human and dog)
Class size limited to 15-20 people (with dog).
Don’t wait. Sign up now at the Pet Expo website!
4. ‘Artsy Fartsy’ Pawgeant show

Please don’t mind the drool, says the canine model. :P
Put together the most creative and artistic outfit for your dog. Post a photo or video of your dog in the outfit on Instagram. And your dog can stand a chance to compete at the finals at Pet Expo’s Artsy Fartsy Pawgeant King and Queen contest! More details on how to join here.
‘Artsy Fartsy’ Pawgeant Show
6 April 2018, Friday 03:15pm – 04.00pm
Eight finalists will walk the runway in order to be crowned King and Queen.
Follow Pet Expo on Instagram and on Facebook here to join this activity and get the latest Pet Expo news!
More about Singapore Pet Expo 2018
There are more activities and numerous stalls at the 3-day Pet Expo to explore, after all it is billed as Singapore’s Largest Pet Fair. Just be sure to choose the activity that best fits you and your dog so both of you will have fun with it!
Follow Singapore Pet Expo for the latest news and updates!
Instagram @petexposg | Facebook @petexposg
You can see the full program as well as other information on Pet Expo’s website here. Also check out, my top tips for conquering Pet Expo 2018 ;P
Have fun!
This advertorial is kindly sponsored by Pet Expo Singapore 2018. Skip the queue and get your tickets online here.
Come :) Follow on
Instagram @weliveinaflat | Facebook donna.weliveinaflat | Youtube Mutt Vlog
I’ll participate. Is parrot a breed?
There’s a double trouble contest that households with 2 pets can enter. They pets, regardless of species, need to demonstrate a similar behaviour so you could so that with Kali. But i think you are too far away 😝 Kali can’t fly here even if you can 😅😅