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Getting the dog to entertain herself

Due to some unexpected matters taking up my time today, I will only be able to publish the mbpotw post tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Meanwhile, here’s how we get Donna to entertain herself, when we run short of time.

The same toy, the same dog, different view but almost the same pose – day vs night editing effects.
More about the Kong Genius Leo toy in our previous post here if you are interested.

The Kong Genius Leo can be found in pet shops or online pet product retailers, including Amazon.

kong genius leo
Kong Genius Leo
Click to buy on Amazon


How we keep training fun while walking the dog at night


My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) Challenge – week 9


  1. Duke loves his Kong toys too! They will entertain him for hours.

  2. Kong toys are great!

  3. Oh no. It’s a challenge to destroy Kong toys but it can be done.

  4. My little dog LOVES her Kong toy. So much so, that we keep it from her during the day, and only bring it out to play at night. Not that she would destroy it when we aren’t watching…just that she might lodge herself under a piece of furniture that the toy would roll under, and that could be a problem! She goes crazy when the toy rolls somewhere she can’t reach!!

    • XD Guess we’re lucky Donna will only linger a while and then give up in a similar situation… my only problem is the kibble that spill out and roll under the sofa that she can’t reach D:

  5. Food toys are great. I haven’t found one that lasts for terribly long though.

  6. She’s having a great time with that toy

  7. Looks like she is having fun!

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