We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

singapore dog blog adopt dog adoption

I am bendy

dog sniffing butt
dog licking butt

I am comfy in my crate and I smell good. Get over it, human.

Because dogs do that.


Pet Cafe: Happy 3 Bites Cafe, Singapore


Donna goes to her first birthday party – title updated


  1. You sure are Donna! Woooowoooooooo!

  2. You must smell good because I can’t smell you from here. That’s like “no news is good news”.

  3. That is right Donna-I cannot tell how many times I get the *look* from Jack Henry when I ask him what is up to ;)

  4. Hey, my Mom says I can only lick my private areas in private….how come you get to do it on your blog?

    • I have no sense of shame, I embarrass the human regularly outside during walks.

      Is it in bad taste? If we agree it is the dog’s natural behaviour, then why hide it like it’s wrong?

  5. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    You sure are bendy, Donna!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  6. LOL Donna. Thanks so much for joining the hop!

  7. Camelia

    Awww so cute!
    My dog is name Bendy too and he’s also a mutt (with white fur all over his body, except his head).
    Really nice to be able to see fellow bendy!

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